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Satan has a strategy to wreak havoc in our lives by stirring up strife, disrupting relationships, and overwhelming us with fear, anxiety, anger, and insecurity. Although our adversary is relentless, women are particularly equipped to stand confidently in this war through biblically based, intentional prayer--the heart of spiritual warfare.


Written by two veteran prayer warriors and mentors, Warfare Prayers for Women will guide readers to victory in the most challenging areas of life.

The book contains specific prayers for
· facing and overcoming hindrances
· approaching life's milestones
· protecting family members
· shining the gospel light into communities and nations

Warfare Prayers for Women: Securing God's Victory in Your Life

SKU: 2535

    In-stock and ready for in-store pickup or delivery within three (3) business day.


    Book Information:

    • Page Count: ‎272 pages
    • 5.25 x 1 x 7.25 inches